G4™ Nickel Titanium Archwires

G4™ NiTi wire provides lower initial load forces and increased residual
forces as full shape recovery progresses.
Teeth move farther and faster.
• Higher residual forces of recovery
• Full shape recovery
• Complete unraveling and archform development
• Stays active to the end – moves teeth the last 1/2mm

As the world’s best manufacturer of premium archwires, we use
a proprietary epoxy coating which is durable, stain resistant, and
just the right shade.
The durable epoxy coating is applied to wires that are .002”
smaller for a standard finished dimension.
• Durable epoxy coating
• Stain resistant
• Midline marked
• Available in stainless steel
Tooth-Colored Reverse Curve G4™ NiTi various from .012 to .021×025

Force Value Graphs of G&H® Archwires

All wires can be chosen in four shapes