Dr. Stefano Troiani
Private practice of Orthodontics, Siegen, Germany graduated at the University of Aarhus (DK) orthodontic program and received his MSc in Orthodontics in 2003. He has maintained a private practice in Denmark since 2003 and in Germany since2008. He has worked as Clinical Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Orthodontics of the University of Aarhus from 2005 to 2007. He has been the scientific director of the Alpe Adria Face Master held at the University of Graz, Ljubljana and Zagreb in 2012-2013. He has been consultant orthodontist at the department of maxillo-facial surgery of
the hospital of Sønderborg (Denmark) from 2008 to 2009. He is consultant orthodontist at the department of maxillo-facial surgery of the university hospital of Odense (Denmark) from 2008 to present.
Dr. Turi Bassarelli
Private practice of Orthodontics, Prato (Firenze), Italy is a graduate of the University of Aarhus (DK) orthodontic program, he received his MSc in Orthodontics in 2000 and he has maintained a private practice in Prato (Italy) since 2000. He has worked as Clinical Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Orthodontics of the University of Aarhus from 2000 to 2002, Visiting Professor at the Dept. of Orthodontics of the University of Siena from 2009 to 2012 and Honorary Lecturer at the Dept. of Orthodontics of the University of HK (China) from 2012 to 2013. He is currently Visiting professor at the Dept. of Orthodontics of the University of Aarhus and at the Dept. of Periodontics of UCL (London, UK). He is an Active Member of the Angle Society (EHASO), the Italian Society of Orthodontics (S.I.D.O) and Italian Society of Biomechanics and Segmented Orthodontics (S.I.B.O.S) of which he has been president from 2010-2012.
Special Guest: Dr. Christian Demange
Doctor from University Claude Bernard Lyon IPast Professor Faculty of Lyon – France
Doctor Christian Demange obtained his certification in dental surgery at the university of Lyon – France in 1983 and his master in orthodontics in 1988. Since 1987, he’s had a private practice in Lyon specially oriented in adult treatments and lingual orthodontics. He was also Professor at the University of Lyon and taught orthodontics for post-graduate students for 15 years. In his Master Thesis, he did an important research concerning torque in normal occlusions. His center of interests and publications are about biomechanics, lingual orthodontics and shape memory alloys. He made a lot of lectures in France and Europe on NiTi alloys, self ligating brackets, and Lingual technique.

Special Guest: Prof. Sergey Popov
Sergey Popov is the Head of the Orthodontic Department of North-West State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

SpeciaSpecial guest: Dr. Daniel Rollet
Orthodontic practice:
Practice Limited to Orthodontics, Pontarlier (25300), France (since July 1982)
Education and Training:
DDS graduate at Strasbourg Dental School – 1978
Graduate CECSMO (Orthodontics Postgraduate): Qualified Specialist in Orthodontics – 1985
Professional affiliations:
– Honorary president of Bioprogressive Ricketts Society since 2013/11 (after eight years as National President)
– Certificate of Excellence in Orthodontics. Active member of the Board Jury
– Expert at the Appeal court of Besancon in Social Security and judicial matters
– Elected member of the Departmental council (vice-president) and Regional Council Dentists (Doubs – France) – (Dental Council 2 levels)
– Member of the national board of the Specialists in orthodontics union
– Member of “AGORA” (research team in Elastodontics)
– Qualified member of the French Orthodontic society
– Member of the 2005 WFO meeting committee
– Member of the FFO (French Federation of Orthodontic societies) National board
– Member of Foundation for Orthodontic Research
Clinical Instructor orthodontics:
– Visiting teacher, University of Strasbourg
– Instructor in the on-going groups Dr. Carl Gugino